Known locally as “The Garden of God”, Kitulo National Park is breathtakingly a kingdom of flowers! It is the first national park in Africa to be gazetted for its floral importance.
There are 350 species of vascular plants documented so far, including 45 species of terrestrial orchids. Some 31 of these orchids are Tanzania endemic; 16 are endemic to Kitulo/Kipengere Mountains and 10 are restricted to Kitulo/Poroto Mountains.
Kitulo is also home to some important bird species including the endangered blue swallow, Denham’s bustard, mountain marsh widow, Njombe cist cola and Kipengere seedeater. Some of the world’s rarest butterflies also inhabit the area along with chameleon, lizard, frogs and a few hardy reedbuck and eland.
Just recently, one of the rarest primates in the world, known as kipunji, was discovered in the park.
Kitulo was officially declared a national park in 2002.