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Mon-Fri 8:00AM - 6:00PM
Sat - 9:00AM-5:00PM
Sundays by appointment



As Tanzania starts to receive safari bookings, so is Safarini Africa Ltd ready to welcome new and returning clients planning to travel to stretch out, as the world works relentlessly towards a turn-around to normal life.


Tanzania’s preparedness to receive visitors is compliant with WHO guidelines and the country’s directives and procedures as the priority concern is the safety of visitors and the hosts.

With collaborators in the safari chain to the destinations we offer, Safarini Africa Ltd is committed to offering her clients - from the point of entry to transfers to the destinations (including hotels, lodges, tented camps; the parks, beaches, mountain treks, meet the people tours, souvenir shopping and the rest) - to the final departure point, a travel experience worthwhile returning to another time.

In place at Safarini Africa Ltd are:

  • Office staff and driver-guides specially trained in handling covid-19 protocols;
  • Continuous contact with the government & its agencies, game parks authorities, accommodations, domestic airlines & airport authorities and others to be up-to-date with developments and to ensure health, safety and all related issues are at optimum level of adherence;
  • Readiness to share with our clients all protocols that ensure their safety as well as the safety of all the people who interact with them;
  • Flexibility with changes in clients’ travel plans - with involvement of other service providers
  • Readiness all the time to share with our clients travel related advice for unforgettable holiday experiences.

We hereunder share with you a current travel advisory by the Tanzania government for your information/adherence:



The Government of the United Republic of Tanzania (URT) through the Ministries responsible for Health -Mainland and Zanzibar has decided to elevate and enhance prevailing preventive measures against COVID-19, especially those with regard to International Travel. In view of this, the Government is updating the Travel Advisory No. 7 of 4th May, 2021 to version No. 8, effective from 19th September, 2021 to accommodate measures as follows:

  1. All Authorities at Points of Entry should ensure adherence to infection preventive measures by travellers and staff including hand hygiene, physical distancing and wearing of face-masks.
  2. All travellers including Tanzanians, returning residents and members of crew/layovers are required to truthfully fill in an online Traveller’s Health Surveillance Form available at https://afyamsafiri.moh.go.tz/ for Tanzania mainland and https://healthtravelznz.mohz.go.tz for Zanzibar within 24 hours before arrival to the United Republic of Tanzania`.
  3. All travellers including Tanzanians and returning residents will be required to present a negative COVID-19 test certificate upon arrival. The only accepted test is Real Time Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) testing or Nucleic Acid Amplification Tests (NAATs) done at a nationally accredited/approved laboratory using sample tested within 96 hours of departure to URT.
  4. All travellers, whether foreigners or returning residents arriving from countries experiencing variants of concern/variants of interest, highest number of COVID-19 cases based on WHO epidemiological updates or those who have travelled through those countries in the last 14 days, regardless of route taken shall be subjected to rapid tests at Points of Entry at their own cost. Cost for COVID-19 rapid test shall be 10 USD or TZS.23,000 which is non-refundable and testing fees applies to travellers arriving in Tanzania Mainland by Air or Marine Vessels. For Zanzibar the cost for rapid test shall be 25 USD or equivalent of 58,000. The updated list of countries for Rapid Antigen Tests is available at https://www.moh.go.tz website or at Points of Entry.
  5. Travelers to Mainland Tanzania are advised to pay for COVID-19 rapid test online to avoid unnecessary queuing upon arrival through an automatically generated control number obtained after filling online Traveller’s Health Surveillance Form and for Zanzibar through https://zanzibarcovidtesting.co.tz
  6. Children aged 5 years and below, Travellers in transit, Aircraft crew are exempted from both RT-PCR certificate and COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Test.
  7. Travelers with positive COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Test shall be allowed to isolate themselves at their residencies for 14 days or more until they test negative using RT-PCR test and will be subjected to strict surveillance procedures.
  8. All arriving conveyances must provide in advance passenger information so as to allow the Authorities at the Points of Entry to scrutinize the manifest for identification of possible high-risk passengers and submit duly filled Conveyance Health Declaration forms (Health Part of Aircraft General Declaration, Maritime Health Declaration and Ground Transport/Vehicles Health Declaration Form).
  9. Arriving conveyances will be subjected to decontamination at Points of Entry where necessary.
  10. All departing travellers are advised to seek information prior to departure from their travel agent regarding COVID-19 requirements of their country of destination or conveyance to be used

Preparing You Further:

Here' a Glimpse of What Awaits You as well as the Health & Safety Measures in Place: We trust the video answers most of your questions. Please contact us for anything further.

Safarini Africa Ltd extends to you a hearty KARIBU!

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